Report an incident
All current students, faculty, and staff are expected and responsible for adhering to University policies and codes of conduct and consequences for violations vary. If you’ve experienced or been made aware of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination or bias of any kind, let us know so we can address the allegations.
Texas' Mandatory Reporting Law
Unless a University employee is expressly identified as “confidential” (Counseling Services, Health Services, and full-time Athletics trainers) by the University, University employees are required by law to pass on information they receive about sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, Nicole Monsibais at, 210-999-7835.
We are here for you. You are not alone. You have options.
For questions, advice, or guidance, please contact the Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Nicole Monsibais at or 210-999-7835.
What happens after reporting an incident
Depending on your preference for anonymity, you will be contacted by Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Nicole Monsibais who will guide you through the policy procedures. If a formal investigation is needed, cross-trained faculty and staff members conduct this to address the allegations.
Trinity University cross-trains faculty and staff to serve as investigators and decision-makers of formal complaints. Investigators undergo training and continuing education to help ensure objectivity and neutrality.
Numbers to Know
Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Nicole Monsibais,, 210-999-7835
Trinity University Police Department (TUPD), emergency 210-999-7000, non-emergency 210-999-7070
911 or San Antonio Police Department (SAPD), non-emergency 210-207-7272